This was written some years ago. as I've said. i've been to the ups and deepest down of my life (so far!) and had a lot of insight. My life now is diiferent. My life now laughs with or without tears. I want this to be included in my new blog since i do believe healing is aprocess and i hope that as you read on this. Healing will be in your vocabulary as Mr. Webster can anly define it and YOu! yes you! shall give meanign to it! it goes...
Some people stay in unsatisfying relationships just to be able to say they stayed. At times, we stay simply because we are tired of walking away or cannot dare ourselves to just leave thigns behind.Or we may stay for the "bragging rights" to be able to say, "I did my part! I tried really hard! I gave all I had to give!" Or we may stay hoping against hope that things will get better, that we will one day get what we believe we have given. The question is. what are you really proving? As children, we learn how to take a spanking. We learn how to run. How to hide. how to duck, dodge, and cover the various parts of our bodies to avoid the pain of spanking. If we are lucky, we eventually master what to do and how to do it to lessen the blows. The question is, what do you say about yourself when you show that you know how to take a beating? In relationships, it is quite possible to stay long after it is a healthy or wise to do so. But you can only master what you know is coming, which leaves you completely unprepared for new developments. To stay for the sake of staying could hurt or get you hurt. Beyond the physical, mental and emotional pain, there is the damage that is done to your spirit and to you as a person. When that damage happens, there is no way to duck, run or hide from the pain. You may have considered yourself brave for staying in a relationship or other situation because you knew how to STAY. SOmetimes you have to remeber that staying is not just about keeping a realtionship. WE are not actually doing a favor to the person if we are staying despite the incompatibilities and Being there for the wrong reasons instead, we are trying to put the persont in a negative entrpy. When we do not want it to change. DO you think that helps the person? would be rather blind? or be the first person brave enough to walk away or to let this person realize that he or she is not intothe both of you?
LoVe and relationship is a shared responsibility and decision of working it out. We shall evaluate oursleves in the process of nurturing it. BOth parties should be devoted to evaluating why you stay.What you must do to stay and whether or not staying is causing you spiritual pain.
Evaluate,examine motives and methods for staying in a situation where we you could possibly be hurt….LOVe is realizing…relationships never die.They change!
tinamaan ako dito... Oh well, I learned my lesson the hard way
yeah.we all did!.
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